UNDEAD_6 SPARTAN ROYAL GUARD A pose Low_poly High Quality character redy for gameUNDEAD_6 SPARTAN ROYAL GUARD A pose Low_poly High Quality character redy for gameadditional_Riggjaw1tongue1-2weapon_l/rcloack_01-06_l/rsk_front_1-4sk_front_01-04_l/rsk_front_side_01-04_l/rsk_side_01-04_l/rsk_back_01-04_l/rsk_back_01-04PBR textures TARGA 4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for unity)low_poly character polygon 18096 Verts 19226 tris - 35604sword polygon - 370 verts - 383 tris - 737shield polygon - 979 verts - 1028 tris - 1760helmet+H_Hair polygon - 2689 verts - 4094 tris - 5064rendering in (Marmoset Toolbag4)Number of textures 24Texture dimensions 4kPolygon count of SPARTAN ROYAL GUARD UNDEAD6 18096Number of meshes/prefabs Rigging: YesAnimation count 12Animation type listattack_1attack_2attack_3runwalkidleidle2idle_attackidle_attack2deathimpactjumpUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)