Upgrade your project with this serie of Sci-fi Crates!All Materials and prefabs already converted to URP and HDRPEasy to use for any production :Built-inURPHDRP- Pbr Metallic Roughness. Game ready.- 6 set of futuristic scifi crates to customize your project. Use them as interactables or just as decoration.- 6 mesh and prefabs (202 verts, 312 faces each).- Retopology of a high poly detailed model.- Ambiant occlusion and Emissive maps.- 6 set of materials for optimal quality and optimisation.- You'll need to adjust postprocessing and bake lights in Urp and hdrp to get the best of the emissive glowing maps.- Mesh colliders- Maps size: 20486 materialSize: 2048Maps:AlbedoEmissiveNormal MapRoughnessMetallicAmbiant Occlusion