A modular asset pack for creating stylized ancient ruins environments, temples, and destroyed citiesAll demo scenes are included (from screenshots)V2 of this package comes with improved visuals, overhauled demo scenes, improved materials and some new props!Base File is for Built-In Render Pipeline->For HDRP: double-click on the HDRP .unitypackage and import the new files ->For URP: convert Project Materials to URP Materials and tweak some values for opitmal visualsPackage Contains:-Variety of destructed architectural pieces-Stone Walls with varying degrees of destruction-Large Buildings and Temples-Pavilion Building-Various Columns-Gateways-Ground tiles-Staircases-Platforms-Stone Fences-Sculpture-Rune Stone-Trees-Bushes-Lianas-Wall Leaves-Roots-Rusty PropsScreenshots were made in HDRP Features:Includes Showcased Scene from the ScreenshotsHigh-Quality Textures and MaterialsHigh-Quality AssetsGame Ready PrefabsOptimized Performance and Poly CountsMaterial Variations for all buildingsTexture Sizes: 2048, 1024Collision: YesAverage Poly Count: from 50 up to 30KSupported Development Platforms: All PlatformsWindows: YesMac: Yes