Quests and dialogue. Simplified.Documentation | Contact | Discord***ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR PROJECT BEFORE UPDATING!***DEV NOTEQuest Tree is a new asset that will be improved over time, and user feedback is crucial in this process. Please report any bugs you encounter. If you believe the asset lacks certain features, I am fully open to requests and suggestions. Feel free to contact me through Discord, my website, or email to share your thoughts and experiences.Enhance your game development process by using Quest Tree for streamlined quest and dialogue creation.QUEST EDITORFeaturing a powerful quest editor window, allowing you to easily create custom quests of any kind.QUEST EDITOR FEATURESBasic CRUD functionalityQuest search + filterEnabling/disabling quests (good for temporarily removing game content without deleting the data)Setting basic quest details, requirements, rewards, and defining relevant NPCsDIALOGUE EDITOREach quest has its own dialogue. Use the simple yet effective node-based dialogue editor that can even handle complex use-cases.DIALOGUE EDITOR FEATURESSimple node-based editingDialogue choices that can lead to an entirely different dialogue path (including timed-limited choices)Memorable choices (choices made by the player that will be stored in the game's data and can be later used to affect the story)Handling complex use-cases with the boolean (if statement) nodeTrigger dialogue from anytime and anywhere within your gameGrant items to players straight from dialogueDialogue is not limited to questsSQLITEQuest Tree uses SQLite as its backend for cross-platform support, speed, and memory efficiency. It does all the querying for you!UI OBJECTSQuest Tree comes with default UIs including:A quest journalAn automatically updated quest HUD (showing current quest requirements)Animated quest status changed and item received messageA dialogue box that supports choices, timing, and scrollingQuest available/completed indicators for NPCsTO THE PROSIf you're a really good programmer, you've got good news! Quests and dialogue can be created at runtime through code. This leaves doors open for procedural quest generation.Example scenes included for:Built-In RPURPRequired Packages:Input SystemCinemachineTextMeshProNewtonsoft JSONOTHER DETAILSWorks in Built-In RP, URP, and HDRPWorks on any platformTested in Unity Editor versions 2022 and Unity 6