Easily convert animated 3D meshes into directional sprites.After importing Mesh2Sprite, in the menu bar, go to Tools > Mesh2Sprite > Setup, and follow the instructions to get started with your selected render pipeline.Mesh2Sprite is a fast, easy-to-use, and powerful utility for converting animated meshes into sprites. Just drop your mesh into a scene, adjust a few settings, and click "Export"!Remember 1990s games where sprites were pre-rendered from 3D models? Mesh2Sprite helps you easily recreate that authentic retro look by rendering your mesh into sprites. No 3D modeling experience or software needed; set up your mesh and lighting using the Unity workflow that you're comfortable with (use any render pipeline) and Mesh2Sprite will show you a preview of exactly how each frame of your animations will look from each camera angle. You specify the animation framerate, resolution, number of camera angles, and camera distance/height, then let Mesh2Sprite take care of the rest!When you export, Mesh2Sprite takes care of all of the tedious work for you, automatically naming your sprites, organizing them into folders, setting the pivot points, pixels-per-unit, and filtering mode settings, and even packing your sprites into atlases! Don't like the default settings? No problem, most settings can be adjusted with a simple interface!But wait, there's more! Mesh2Sprite also comes with a simple runtime component for rendering your directional sprite animations in-game! Load an animation set into the Mesh2SpriteAnimator and tell it which animation to play, and the component will automatically change the sprite's apparent direction based on the relative position of the camera!Mesh2Sprite is not only useful for retro games. Turn on anti-aliasing and increase the resolution, and you can use it to render out high-quality sprites for background characters, UI images, low LODs, or anything else you might think of.Adjustable animation framerate (1.0 - 60.0 FPS).Adjustable number of camera angles (1 - 36).Adjustable camera distance and height.Real-time preview of exactly how your sprites will look.Automatically sort sprites into folders, with adjustable settings (all in one folder, by animation, or by camera angle).Automatically generate sprite atlases, with adjustable settings (no atlas, all in one atlas, by animation, or by camera angle).Export a single frame, a single animation, or all animations, each with a single click.Lightning-fast export; on a decent computer, you can export hundreds of low-resolution sprites in seconds.Pixels-per-unit calculated and set automatically.Sprite pivot point calculated and set automatically (to be aligned with ground).Fully extensible codebase.