DarkLine Brute is alien life form that looks like black "drawing" with Thin/Smooth lines or Tangled-Bold black tentacles thanks to Shader that gives all that (and more) looks with many settings in it.Darkline Brute is bigger-brute humanoid/male member of darkline serie assets. beside brute shape and size, this asset has "hair" lines and additional bones for them. this hair bone chain can be used for physics native tools of unity(See preview video) or with different addons to give more dynamic and different looks. asset comes with 2 versions of skeletal mesh. normal and dense head-hair version. DarkLines are alien life forms that looks like black "drawing" with Thin/Smooth lines or Tangled-Bold black tentacles thanks to Shader that gives all that (and more)looks with many settings in it.Main and unique feature of this asset its overall look that result of mesh and shaders works together. material not static and pre-painted on UVs. instead it uses only 1 tileable texture and URP shader graph to make many different looks procedurally! please see provided preview video below!Shader's details can be seen in this review video darkline series assets uses same material.Darkline series Shader gives you options to set:Noise movements to make all lines alive!Bulge waves-light wavesThicknessEmissionSeparated BC and Emission HUE.SmoothnessMetallnessNormalrandomness option!texture options like movement and scaleAll shader features sorted above also uses 4 type-mixable masks by:- along lines- by depth from surface- random per line(each line takes different values)- Head to limbsalso some channels like thickness has additional 2 masks like limbs and hair-head.all this features together gives you many different looks. it can be dark nightmare or fancy cyber wires depending how you set it!Rigged: Rigged to Epic skeleton UE5Animated: NoNumber of Animations: 0Number of characters: 1Vertex counts of character: 106300 - 113100 verticesNumber of shader and and Materials: 1 Shader and 15 materials of it. shader is capable to give many more looks.Number of Textures: 1 RGBA packed textureNumber of Skins: No texture skins. material itself capable to give very different looks by self. please check the previews.Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024Tested on: Windows 11