A collection of 6 round tables, each with 3 variations of materials for the top and bottom.Textures for this package were exported for Unity URP (Metallic Standard) format.In this package you will find 6 table prefabs, each with 3 variations of materials.Each prefab contains a separate mesh for top, bottom, and for some tables, an apron.Each table part has 3 variations of materials, so 3 tops, 3 bottoms, and if it has an apron then it also has 3 versions. The materials use the Universal Render Pipeline/Lit shader, and each has texture maps for the Base Map (Albedo Transparency), Metallic Map (Metallic Smoothness), and Normal Map (Normal Map).Every texture is 1024x1024 pixels, so each table has a 1K texture for each of its parts.The tables are the same height, so you can mix and match the parts to create your own variations. This table collection contains contemporary tables in a realistic style suitable for restaurants, offices, homes, and other locations.Each table part has its own UVs and 3 versions of 1K textures.The table heights are consistent, this way you can mix and match table tops and bottoms to create your own tables.Each table is 75cm (29.5 in) tall at the table top, and 120cm (47in) wide in diameter - with the exception of the "office" table which is not as wide.The geometry is quad-based, clean, with non-overlapping UVs. The polycount ranges from 405 quads to 1614 quads, depending on table complexity, with most tables below 800 quads. Double that for tris.Each table prefab includes a mesh collider, so that your characters don't walk through it and you can place objects on it (using physics).The tables are not rigged or animated.Documentation is provided, including instructions on how to customize the tables and their materials.