CellPrefabPainter is a tool designed for easily painting Prefab objectsCellPrefabPainter is a tool designed for easily painting Prefab objects. Its main features include simplicity and seamless integration with InstanceCollector. The editing process is as follows: first, generate some brush Prefabs; then, use the brush tool to paint objects on the scatter target, collecting them into a CellHolder. Finally, you can place these reusable CellHolder templates in the scene.The InstanceCollector asset link.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/instancecollector-296669Integration with InstanceCollector.Support for palettes and brush style panels.Cell size checking.Maximum object count checking.Support for collision radius.Support for random minimum and maximum scale parameters.Support for random minimum and maximum yaw angle parameters.Support for height filtering parameters.Support for face normal mode.Support for random brushes.