This Pack includes four awesome, smoothly animated heroes!This Pack Includes:Tiny Hero - Bo Panda Spritesheet (Good & Evil Version)Spritesheet size= 103x33Character size = 16x16Animations: Idle, Run, Jump, Jump w/staff spin, Fall, fall w/ staff spin, roll, spin slam attack, wall slide, quick attacks (2), jabs, jabs repeated, Jump spin attack, deathThe Tiny Sage Hero Spritesheet (Good & Evil Version)Spritesheet size = 52x21Character size 16x16Animations: Idle, Run, Dash, Attack 1, Attack 2, Shock-wave Blast, shield up, shield hold, shield down, Jump, Fall, Hit, and DeathThe Tiny Gunslinger Hero SpritesheetSpritesheet size = 48x32Character Size = 16x16Animations: Idle, Run, Roll, jetpack up, jetpack left/right, fall, Land, wall slide, Hit, and Death4 Gun sprites + 7 flash animationsThe Tiny Swordmaster Hero SpritesheetSpriteSheet Size = 39x40Character Size = 16x16Animations: Idle, Run, Roll, Attack 1, Attack 2, Attack 3, Teleport, Teleport Land, Jump, Fall, Hit, and DeathAll Aseprite files