This Set contains 9 Enemies and 3 critters, fully animated, which makes up 62 animations á 12 frames, which is around 744 frames.These are graphical Assets and are not dependent on the Unity Version itself, they can be used with any Engien that supports 2D images.This Set contains 9 Enemies and 3 critters, fully animated, which makes up 62 animations á 12 frames, which is around 744 frames.Animation Specs:- 12 frames- suitable for 16x16 sized tiles- 64x64 pixels (lots of space around the enemy)- Of course compatible with the 2D Dark Metroidvania Base Assetpack- Update 1.1 adds 20 FX! :)You will get:- 62 PNG sequences, over 700 animation frames: for all animations.Enemies:10 Eye: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkMimic: Slurp, Idle, Idle-nosign, Attack. Spell, Damage, Die, WalkBlobb: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkHarpie: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkOrc: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkSkeleton: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkBig Blobb: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkBat: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkSpider: Idle, Attack, Spell, Damage, Die, WalkCritters:doggo: Idle, Walkcat: Idle, Walkbirb: Idle, Walk20 FX [Added in update 1.1]:DeflectEarthquakeEarthshieldEnrageBubble ShotCrystal ShieldExplosionFireMagic ExplosionMagic Explosion 2PoisonPoison CloudPoison Cloud 2Projectile AEROProjectile Death boltProjectile MagicProjectile PoisonSmokeSmoke 2Bloodcharacter size for 16x16 Tileset (or 8x8 + 16x16)Compatible with my metroidvania tilesetsAnimation frame size 64x64 (space around characters)Data: PNGCompatible with every game engine that uses tiles: Unity, Unreal, Godot, Game Maker, PhaserjsPalette used: Rosy42: https://lospec.com/palette-list/rosy-42