Loot Generation Zone - A tool for creating and placing items in an organic fashion in large areas.The "Loot Generation Zone" tool allows you to spawn items randomly within a defined area in your game. You can specify which items you want to spawn, how many, and customize how they appear in the game world.Populate your game world with collectible items!Create randomized loot zones!Effortlessly fill environments with interactiables!Bring variety to your level design!Suitable for any type of 3D game!Can be used for level building or for item creation at run time!Example scene uses TextMeshProRobust, simple to use, performant, easy to extend, works great for any 3D game.Set the ground layer you want items to snap to. Set the item prefabs you want to load into the zone as loot. Then set the number of items you want to spawan or set the item percentages if you want a random number of items.