Voxel Art Items Pack Vol.1
Glucka Voxels
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Date |
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Price($) |
08/02(2024) |
9.99 |
11/23(2024) |
9.99 |
Jump AssetStore
The Voxel Art Items Package is a comprehensive collection of 159 3D models designed with a voxel and pixel art inspired style. This package offers a variety of items suitable for diverse game genresPrefabs Folder Content:Food:Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, bone, cake, candy, carrot, cherry, coconut, corn, cucumber, eggplant, grape, green pepper, ice cream, kiwi, lemon slice, mushroom, onion, orange slice, peach, pear, pumpkin, red pepper, strawberry, tomato, watermelonBeverage:Beer, coffee, wine, juiceWeapons:Axe, axe2, blade, bomb, hammer, machete, revolver, sword1, sword2Text:Help, menu, options, pause, play, shop, start, stopTools:Barrel, fork, golden key1, golden key2, knife, lock closed, lock open, magnet, search, shield1, shield2, shield3, shovel, silver key1, silver key2, spoon, syringeRewards:Bag, bag2, chest box, coin1, coin2, coin3, coin4, crown, dollar, gem1, gem2, gem3, gem4, gem5, gem6, gift1, gift2, green coin, potion1, potion2, potion3, potion4, potion5, potion6, potion7, ribbon, ring, winner cupHealth:Heart1, heart halves, pill1, pill2, skull1, skull2, skull3, small heartNature:Bubble, crescent, drop, fire1, fire2, fire3, flower1, flower2, flower3, flower4, flower5, flower6, flower7, leaf, lightning, moon, plant, smoke1, snowflake, sun, tree1, tree2, tree3Navigation:Arrow blue, arrow red, arrow return, arrow left, arrow rightMiscellaneous:Bell, bubble2, clock, dot, electricity, exclamation, exiting, eye, flag1, green face, hand1, hand2, hand3, home, location sign, menu icon, message1, message2, question, sand clock, shop building, smile, sound, sound2, talk bubble, talk bubble2, thinking, trumpet, umbrella1, umbrella2This pack is versatile and suitable for a wide range of game genresNumber of meshes/prefabs: 159Rigging: NoAverage polygon count : 400Animation: NoTexture maps: 159 texture maps, PNG images that stores the colors used in the models and allready assigned to the material's Albedo channellMaterials: 159 materials using Built-in Standard ShaderLOD: No