This is a solution that allows you to easily view and quickly find large amounts of debug logs or error logs.*Purpose of development-Smooth communication with team members-You can quickly find the log or error log you need from the vast log-Quick error catch-Check incorrectly loaded data-Response time delay-Prevent situational communication confusion-Log information at a glance-a daily waste of time-Check logs depending on the user(Full, Tester, Himself)*function-You can display a large amount of log data accumulated from users by colorIt's easy to find.-It can be used for all programming languages.-You can see 1000 log data at a glance-You can view 10,000 data log data with paging.-Team members look at log data and data on errors together-It can reduce the wrong conversation-Easy access can reduce waste of time.*Development Roadmap-Monitoring Multiple Server Logs Simultaneously-Application of AI solutions-metaverse applicationIf you put the tracking code for each programming language, the data will be accumulated, and it will be displayed by color in the iScan solution. In addition, if you insert the tracking code from multiple servers, it will also be displayed in the iScan solution.