The mage class of the “Stylized Little Hero” !
A character model suitable for stylized casual games.
These friends are the perfect addition to your stylish game!
UnityAssetStore :*Convert your project materials to URP materials for compatibility with URP.*Low-polyBasic Animation.Handpainted textures.Adjustable colors for hair6 + Weapons2 + HairFace(Eye, Eyebrow , Mouth)--Class(body)BasicMageFMageM--AnimaitonIdleBoreWalkRunAttackDamageAttack Mage ShootAttack Mage Spellbook--TrisCountBasic Char : 3336MageM : 3272MageF : 3888--Textuerbody : 512*512Head : 512*512Hair : 256*256Aldedo TextuerConvert your project materials to URP materials for compatibility with URP.