VFXGraph_Lightning Trail EffectDrag lightning effect created using Unity VFX Graph,You can follow the target point and modify the length, color, jitter level, etc.Requirements2021.3.28f1 (up)Render Mode:HDRPRequires Unity Packages to be installed: Visual Effect GraphURP also appliesBut the color and camera bloom need to be re-adjustedDrag lightning effect created using Unity VFX Graph,You can follow the target point and modify the length, color, jitter level, etc.Detailed instructional video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12HbTpGJDD4Contains 5 VFX Prefabs:BlueBall_VFXGreenBall_VFXPurpleBall_VFXYellowBall_VFXRedYellowBall_VFXThe Lightning effect produced by VFX Graph has a tail effect