EzGrid is a useful plugin to create games based on grid in 3D environments.EzGrid: Grid-Based 3D Environment Plugin for UnityEzGrid is a plugin for creating grid-based games in 3D environments. This versatile grid system updates dynamically, automatically locking and unlocking its cells in response to collider objects.Key Features:Dynamic Grid System: EzGrid facilitates the creation of dynamic grids that seamlessly update their state based on the presence of colliders, enabling smooth interaction with your game objects.Real-Time Cell Locking: Cells within the grid are intelligently locked and unlocked as objects move within the environment, ensuring accurate collision detection and efficient pathfinding.A* Pathfinding Implementation: EzGrid comes with a built-in implementation of the A* algorithm, allowing you to calculate optimal paths that navigate around obstacles on the grid with ease.Flexible Integration: Easily integrate EzGrid into your Unity projects to build a wide range of grid-based games, including strategy, puzzle, and simulation games.Benefits:Efficiency and Performance: With EzGrid, you can create grid-based games that run smoothly and efficiently, even in complex 3D environments, thanks to its optimized performance.Easy to Use: Designed with simplicity in mind, EzGrid offers intuitive controls and a straightforward interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.Unlock the Power of Grid-Based GamingEzGrid empowers developers to unlock the full potential of grid-based gameplay within Unity. Whether you're creating strategy games, maze puzzles, or simulations, EzGrid provides the tools you need to bring your vision to life with precision and ease.Supported Unity Versions: Unity 2019.4 and higherGrid System: Dynamic grid system for 3D environmentsPathfinding Algorithm: A* algorithm implementation for obstacle avoidanceCollision Detection: Real-time locking and unlocking of grid cells based on collider objectsGrid Size Customization: Adjustable number of rows and columns for grid dimensionsCell Size Customization: Control over the size of individual grid cellsMaterial and Shader Support: Customizable grid appearance with support for materials and shadersMesh Rendering: Mesh rendering for visualizing the grid in the Unity sceneURP: requiredAPI Interaction: Provides an API for developers to interact with the grid system, allowing for custom behaviors and functionality integration.