This is a native android plugin designed to start tracking the users location when the game is in the background or the screen is turned off.This asset is only tested to work with Unity 2022.3.19f1.Problems have been reported with Unity version 6The location tracker plugin will send an android notification and starts to track the users location when the Unity game is either unfocused ("minimized") or the screen of the android device is turned off. When the game is focused again, the notification is clicked the plugin will provide Unity with a list of users locations collected in the background in coordinate system units. When the game is closed the tracker plugin will stop and the notification will be erased.FeaturesReal-time GPS location trackingBackground location updates when the game is not activeSupport for Android versions 12 to 14Energy-efficient design to minimize battery drainSupports Unity versions 2022.3.19f1 and higherSupports Android versions 12 and higher