The plugin supports the import of 2D CAD at runtime and editing time, as well as the conversion of 2D CAD to pdf files.The plugin only supports 2D CAD file import.FEATURES• Support for dxf file format• Support for dwg file format• Support for Unity editor import• Support for runtime import• Support for converting CAD to PDF filesNOTICECurrently only supported windows and windows editor platform.THIRD-PARTY ASSETSAsset uses Earcut.NET under the ISC License; see Third-Party Earcut.NET_License.txt file in package for details.Asset uses netDxf under the MIT License; see Third-Party netDxf_License.txt file in package for details.Asset uses PDFsharp under the MIT License; see Third-Party PDFsharp_License.txt file in package for details.Asset uses Han Serif Font under the SIL Open Font License; see Third-Party Han Serif Font_License.txt file in package for details.It supports AutoCAD® DWG/ DXF, PLT and other CAD formats.