Orbital Camera will help you set up a fully automated camera that can rotate around interest points while ensuring none of them goes out of the camera's field of view.🤔 What it doesOrbital Camera is the perfect tool to create a smart and automated camera for your third person game.It calculates in real time the smallest sphere which encapsulates interest points and places itself at the best possible distance to film it, regardless of the field of view of the camera, its format and its resolution.It is then possible to rotate the camera while ensuring that all of these points stay on screen.🎥 A customizable camera behaviour adapted to your needsThe Orbital Camera component offers several customization options. Feel free to manipulate them to find the behaviour that suits you best.Gizmos have been carefully designed to best show you how your orbital camera and its points of interest behave. As always, I made them as pretty as I could, because aesthetics matter.✨ Going furtherWhile this tool is meant to help you out setting a functional camera relatively fast, you are free to extend its behaviour.By changing the interest points focus distance or enabling/disabling them at runtime, you can create advanced behaviours such as a lock system for an action RPG combat camera, for example.Be creative, and make the best camera your game deserves!💪 Performance / OptimizationThe algorithm used has been carefully designed to generate no GC alloc, which makes it extremely efficient even for mobile development.📖 Documentation & example assetsA clear documentation + an example scene and an example script are provided in this package.If the documentation is not clear enough to you, take a look at the example assets to get a better idea of how to proceed and to understand the full potential of this tool.