Transform your game UI with bars including double bars, icons, name and level indicators, all of them customizable!
Custombars offers you 21 customizable progress bars prefabs to suit any project.21 customizable prefabas7 unique variationsCustomizable colors and appearanceAll bars have customizable current/max number indicatorBar A - Bar with icon indicatorBar B - Bar with second text indicatorBar C - Double bar + level counter + name indicator (2x variations)Bar D - Double bar + name indicatorBar E - Double bar + name indicator + level indicator (2x variations)File count: 143Sprite count: 83Image Format: pngSprite bit depth: 32bit + alphaSprites dimentions: Vary between 39x16px and 1190x501pxImages file size: 1kb to 213kbAnimated: NoBars scripts: 5Total scripts: 7Documentation: Online and offline documentation included.Requirements: TextMeshPro PackageAdditional content:Implementation example C# ScriptC# Script with events to connect the demo scene slider and buttons to the bars present in the demo scene.Demo scene background Image - 1920x1080p, 32bit, 3.25kbDemo scene bar grouping background image - 553x664 , 32bit, has alpha-channel.