Placer is a spawning system, capable of speeding up your level design by a tremendous amount of time. with placer, instead of spending hours on placing objects, you can do it with one click!--- discord --- alekgameshelp2@gmail.com ---this is a trimmed down version of an AAA-quality level design tool - Placer 3 PRO----- functions -----included with Placer Light- object painting (with a brush, and multiple modes)- Grid Placing- Poisson Sampling Placing- mass terrain detail placingWhat you can get with Placer PRO:- procedural placing- placing along a spline (bezier curve)- Free Form Placing (fill any shape)- object physics painting- wall/fence generation (with a brush, with posts/pickets/rails)- color spawner (based on the surface color)- Noise Placing- 3D text spawning- convert the spawned objects to terrain trees*if you have a cool idea for a new feature, i will probably add it :)----- other info -----AWESOME EDITORS- There are a lot of custom editors with tooltips and warnings to make your job easier.- you can add paint tools to your scene with one clickplacer has a few handy editor windows, that will boost your level design speed:- Useful Logs - useful object related debug windowPERFORMANCEthe system has been optimized as much as possible, and heavy spawners run in asynchronous functions, to avoid overloading main threads.LEARNING CURVE- fully documented- tutorials- many demo scenes- discord server and emailFULL SOURCE CODEFull source code is provided in the package.SUPPORTin case of any questions email me at alekgameshelp2@gmail.com . I will respond veryquickly.There also is a discord server, to help you (click here to join).NOTE- this system is not a terrain spawner (you cannot generate mesh using the asset as is)- wall/fence generator is not a mesh creation tool, it spawns given models in correct places.the thumbnails and some screenshots were made by an awesome discord member, Gargosian (thanks)in case of any questions email me, or join my discord server, and ask questions there (see top of the page for contact)