Are you looking for 2D Modern City background art for your game?
We provide 79 high-quality images of modern city environment backgrounds, featuring various places such as city, mansion, street etc.Explore our art collection containing all 2D Modern City background art, featuring various places such as city, mansion, street, shopping area, etc.We also provide several angles and alternatives for each location, all rendered with high-quality image assets. Perfect for 2D games such as RPGs, visual novels, story-based games, or any game project. With 75+ background images, it's perfect for creating a wide variety of possibilities in a modern city environment!This collection contains:- 3 Bathroom Background Art- 4 Bedroom Background Art- 3 Bookstore Background Art- 6 Mansion Background Art- 9 City Garden Background Art- 9 City Modern Background Art- 6 City River Background Art- 6 City Traffic Background Art- 5 Dinning Room Background Art- 7 House Area Background Art- 4 Kitchen Background Art- 5 Restaurant & Bar Background Art- 7 Shopping Area Background Art79 Total Backgrounds in 1024x1024 pixel size!2 Demo character (boy and girl)1 Demo Popup dialog box and fontSample ScenesContaining 79 background art images, our collection also includes a sample demo scene featuring backgrounds, characters, and dialogue boxes.Each image in our collection was generated using trial and error prompting to ensure the best results, including the background, object colors, day/night settings, ambience, and more. We meticulously checked and ensured the quality of each image.