Cobra Servers is a Unity tool that makes it quick and easy to add server lists to multiplayer games.Cobra Servers is a Unity asset that simplifies the integration of server lists for multiplayer games. It works with most client-server network packages, such as Mirror and Unity Netcode for GameObjects.Components:Server-Side API: A C# REST API that can be hosted in Docker or as a standalone application. Features adjustable rate limits to control request frequency and prevent abuse.Client-Side Integration: Provides functionalities to interact with the server list, including adding new servers and retrieving existing ones.Each server entry includes: Server Name, Host, Port, Current Online Players, Maximum Player LimitCustom data can also be added for more data columns and complete flexibility.Security:Each server is assigned a unique ID to ensure authentication and prevent unauthorized listings, maintaining the integrity of your multiplayer environment.Extensibility:Cobra Servers is flexible and allows for the addition of custom data types via an optional dictionary. JSON support enables easy integration of custom server information.