138 normal size pixel enemy pictures + 28 big size pixel enemy pictures.There are 166 pixel-style enemy pictures in this package. The asset pack contains a variety of enemies designed for the battle scenes of RPG games:ZombieDemonVampireSuccubusPolar bearTigerWolfSoldierGoblinRobotDragonBarbarianTreantOrcElfTrollMinotaurNecromancerRangerRogueWizardKnightMonkThiefPirateSamuraiVampireHunterJesterPriestWarriorAssassin...The list is too long to enumerate fully, please refer to the thumbnails for specific details.Contents:138 normal size enemy pictures.28 big size enemy pictures.2 demo scenes.2 sample battle backgrounds + sample hero.If you need more pixel battle backgrounds, please visit the following asset pack:Pixel Battle Backgrounds - Pack 1Pixel Battle Backgrounds - Pack 2Pixel Battle Backgrounds - Pack 3Total number of enemy images: 166Image fomart: tansparent PNGImage dimension (normal size): 64x96, 75x100, 96x64, 96x96, 75x75 pixelImage dimension (big size): 128x160, 160x128, 128x96, 160x160, 128x128 pixelAnimated: NoAI was used when creating this asset package. Using AI can quickly inspire inspiration and quickly generate concept maps. Then we can use traditional pixel drawing tools to draw the picture.