WorldMap Maker is an asset that creates a world map based on the world in your scenes.Want to create a world map for your world?Or do you need texture layers for each of the terrain, buildings, water areas and trees for direct editing?Whatever the case, you can create your own world map with WorldMap Maker!📑DocumentationIf you have any questions about WorldMap Maker or find a bug, please send an email to olivecrow.report@gmail.com. I will respond as quickly as possible.📗 Easy to useThere is only one button.You can create world maps for your project with the click of the button.🔔WorldMap Maker has been tested on the following Unity versions:- 2021 LTS- 2022 LTS- 2023.2- 6000+And WorldMap Maker will continue to support the latest versions to be released in the future.🗺What WorldMap Maker supports:Create categorized texture layersTerrainsWatersTreesRoadsGeneral objectsExtraCreate a final texture by combining each texture layer(HDRP) WaterSurface, WaterExcluder, WaterDeformerAll kind of mesh rendererTerrain trees and instanced prefab treesSupports various sizes from 256x256 to 16,384x16,384Full sources code includedUnity's Splines package to draw Roads or BordersTexts on map (TextMeshPro)Multi-Scene EditingSeparated worlds with multiple scene assetsFully documented C# APIYou can also create a world map using only C#.Pre-made style presetsDetailed DocumentationStyle settings that can be created and managed as assetsAll Unity versions 2021 +If you find an area that WorldMap Maker does not support, please send an email to olivecrow.report@gmail.com. I will support you as quickly as possible!✨Customizable StylesContour Lines for Terrains & Mesh TerrainsGradient colors depending on the height of Terrains & Mesh TerrainsSatellite photography styleActual view, color tinted and shaded, simple and flattened viewOutlines for buildings, trees and their color and thicknessGradient colors depending on the depth of the water areasAdjusting the angle and intensity of lightAdjust the intensity of the shadowsCustom materials for splines(roads, border) and objectsWhether you're a programmer or an artist, the fastest way to create a world map is with WorldMap Maker!🟨Limitations & Known Issues1. A bug in which the alpha channel of some of the style settings or some textures is not applied properly.=> This problem appears very intermittently, and normal results are output when compiling the script or attempting to create the world map again.It is presumed that there is a part where SRP is not initialized properly, but the exact reason is unknown.This problem usually occurs when a world map is created for the first time after opening a project.2. In HDRP, WaterDeformer is applied only when WaterMaterialType == Original.=> This issue occurs because we currently do not have access to the water mesh generated by the WaterSurface script.To include WaterDeformer in the world map, set Water Material Type to Original.3. When the version of Unity changes, the output style changes slightly.=> Unity's render pipeline changes quite a bit between versions, which can cause slightly different results even when using the same style settings.For example, the opacity of the shadow may appear slightly different, or the brightness or saturation may appear slightly different.