Enhance Unity communication with Observables, minimizing overhead by using Scriptable Objects and optimizing memory usage effectively.Backwards compatibility with unity 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018.Optimized Components - Observable is is designed to efficiently manage and streamline communication through custom events, enhancing performance and reducing overhead.Allow you to observe any element, from basic types to advanced classes or types. By eliminating the need for direct references, they foster seamless communication between components.his asset offers a solution by introducing Observables, which facilitate seamless communication between components without the need for direct references.With the uses of Scriptable Objects and Addressables, we dynamically create and manage events at runtime. This not only optimizes performance but also amplifies flexibility and scalability.Included sample scenes demonstrate both basic and advanced usage scenarios, illustrating how Observables can be effectively integrated.Whether you're developing for PC, mobile, console, or the web, ensures smooth and efficient communication between components, enhancing the overall performance and scalability.Observed offers a comprehensive suite of observable data structures, including:Single observable value and its thread-safe variant.CollectionDicionaries.SetsBytesFiles...and more!If you can program it, you can observe it!❤️ Reviews are very much appreciated, we love to hear what you think of the asset.Features:Provides a streamlined method for communication through custom events within Unity.Leveraging Unity's Addressables system, it dynamically creates and manages events at runtime, enhancing performance and reducing overhead.Sample scenes are included to demonstrate fundamental and advanced usage scenarios.Utilizes abstract classes such as SenderBase and ReceiverBase, for easy extension and customization.Ensures compatibility and seamless integration with Unity projects.Continuous support and guidance are provided for optimal utilization.Facilitate seamless script-based communication across a diverse range of data structures. From single values to complex dictionaries and collectionsPlatforms Supported:PCMobileConsoleWebGL