Lobby Manager is a system that implements the Unity services "Lobby", "Relay", "Authentication" and "Netcode for GameObjects" and allows you to create Lobbies to create multiplayer games.The templete includes everything you need to create, search and join a lobby. It is fully scalable and customisable with the lobby creation options you want to edit and the lobby search filters you want to offer.It is also compatible with any game you have already developed, the scene network system takes care of transporting all players to your game.FeaturesCreate Lobby: With as many options as you wantList Lobby: Search for available lobbies, with or without filtersJoin Lobby: Waiting room until there are enough players to get startedPrivate Code: You can create private lobbies for your friends with a unique access code. Remove Player: Host may expel a playerMake Host: Host can appoint a Host to another playerPlayer Data: Players can store their own dataScene Manager Network: In charge of transporting players to the game and back to the Lobby.Lobby Manager: is responsible for managing all network behaviourUser Authentication: The player can access the game via an account or log in as a guestLosed Connection: The system is prepared in case the internet connection is lost.Responsive UI: The UI has been designed to adapt to any screen resolution.Link to documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gATwWarzlzchtZ8aaPwD4lViRTscAU2GLtciU5cgaK0/edit?usp=sharingThe textures included have been generated by AI