Unleash the Necromancer Fallen Angel - a customizable, stylized 3D character for RPGs, MOBAs, and MMOs. Dive into dark fantasy with this bone-chilling asset.Important! Animations I work only with "Generic" animation type. Doesn't work with "Humanoid"Fully animated, rigged, ready to use character. Optimized, Works well with mobile devices. There are three color options - Blue, Green, Purple. Ready to use Animator Controller. Include VFX effects.Work with all render pipeline - Built-in, URP, HDRPIf you have questions, write to discord or write to dev.simpleassets.unity@gmail.comPBR Stylized Material:6 Hand-painted Diffuse Maps2 Normal Maps2 Emissive Map2 Ambient Occlusion Maps2 Smoothness & Metallic MapsColor variants:BlueGreenPurpleAnimations:IdleAttackCast SpellDeathHitWalkRunDevelopment Render Pipeline: Built-In, URP, HDRPRigged: YesAnimated: YesNumber of Prefabs: 9 (Origin, Mobile, With VFX)Triangle Count: 15 085Number of Textures: 13Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048Number of Materials: 14Number of Animations: 7