Lowpoly Coin, Money and Gem. Colorfull materials. Ready to use prefabs.Lowpoly / Cartoon styled 28 different coin, money and gem. Vibrant colors. Easy to use.If you have any questions or any problems with the pack, don't hesitate to contact.Standart, URP and HDRP compatible.The pack contains 28 different prefabs. 15 material for all prefabs. 1 texture (512x256) for Money objects.COINS Avarage triangle count: 269 Highest triangle count: 564 (Wind) + 252 (CoinBase) = 816 Lowest triangle count : 116 (Diamond & Crown) + 252 (Coin Base) = 368 MONEYS Avarage triangle count: 506 Highest triangle count: 1184 (MoneyPile2) Lowest triangle count : 148 (CreditCard) GEMS Avarage triangle count: 26 Highest triangle count: 44 (Gem1) Lowest triangle count : 12 (Gem0)