Stylized toon shader created with Shader Graph for Unity URP. This includes many features that you can adjust to achieve an advanced and professional look for your toony game!STYLIZED TOON SHADERA Stylized Toon Shader created with Shader Graph for Unity URP. This includes many features that you can adjust, such as:LightingShadow castingRim lightBrightnessSpecularTextureColor adjustmentThis package includes a Shader Graph (that you can edit if you want), a material, and a 3D model as a sample with its own textureStylized toon shader created using Shader Graph.A procedural shader that offers high customizability.Optimized for projects of any scale.This shader is designed for Unity URP, so it requires URP and Shader Graph for proper includes features such as:LightingShadow castingRim lightBrightnessSpecularTextureColor adjustment