Take control of your character's movement with precision and ease using Character Controller Plus, the ultimate solution for character control in Unity!DependenciesCinemachine >= 2.9.7Input System >= 1.7.0Animation Rigging >= 1.1.1 (If using IK functionality)Check out the documentation on Confluence or Github!Check out the Demo!⭐Make Your Games StandoutMake your game stand out from the crowd with Character Controller Plus by utilizing the wide array of character movements and states! This package has been carefully curated and designed to efficiently and reliably empower your character in any fashion that you choose! With this asset you will have access to over 20 unique and highly configurable player states.⭐Completely ExtensibleIntermediate to advanced users will have access to a fully extensible framework from which custom states can be created with ease, following a simple template. Check the documentation for more information.⭐Inverse KinematicsThis asset ships with a pre-built IK setup for any humanoid characters to utilize if desired. Bring your characters to life with Character Controller Plus's IK system. Check the documentation and see how you can lay a foundation for your IK solution with Character Controller Plus.✨Features✨📦General FeaturesState MachineInverse KinematicsThird Person Camera ControllerFully Extensible Ability SystemShipped Mouse & Controller Input System📦Out-of-the-Box StatesIdleWalkRunSkidJumpDouble JumpAero DashFallSoft LandHard LandSplat LandGet UpRollDodgeSlideCrouchLedge ClimbClimbingSwimDive🦴Rigging & AnimationsShips w/ Full Animator Mecanim SetupAnimations Provided for all States🤺Integrated Inverse KinematicsLeg IKHand & Arm IK🧰Bundled UtilitiesPlatform Handling UtilitiesKill Plane UtilityCoroutine Callback SystemX-Bot not included