Seamless loops and multitracks of Science-Fiction Action and Eporation for adventure or shooter game in Aliens inspirationsWhat's in this pack ?7 originals songs (With variations loops and tracks)100 multi instruments seamless loopsHQ (Wav)An OST in the spirit of Science-Fiction games, exploration, action, shooter,...Inspired essentially by Aliens & Exploration of Mysterious Unknown planet where you are unfortunately not alone... And don't forget : Make your mission, soldier!!Made for certain tracks in different mood, all track are made of situations-loops for interactivity.Sampler : Listen hereList of all tracks : Listen hereTrack 01 : Main MenuTrack 02 : Stage 01 : (Ambiant Version) Arrival & First ExplorationTrack 03 : Stage 01 : (Melodic Version) Arrival & First ExplorationTrack 04 : Stage 02 : Going Deeper Into Infested BaseTrack 05 : Stage 03 : (Ambiant Hard Deep Version) Communication Room FloorTrack 06 : Stage 03 : (Hard Sad Version) Communication Room FloorTrack 07 : Stage 03 : (Heavy Sad Version) Communication Room FloorTrack 08 : Stage 04 : Serveur in a Lasers RoomTrack 09 : Stage 05 : Underground MinesTrack 10 : Stage 06 : (Building Version) The Final BossTrack 11 : Stage 06 : (Approaching Version) The Final BossTrack 12 : End Creditscomposed by Rafdows from CMFAFVGIn others words : Hello Developpers and games makers!We are C.M.A.F.V.G. (Communauty Music Assets For Video Games) a communauty of 3 persons (for now, we hope to make it bigger) of composers/sound designers passionnate by vidéogame.We strongly believe in music assets of quality and flexibility at the same level, what that means : We try to make great musics most natural as possible with orchestrations or arrangmentsAND great options of loops/adaptative/interractions/stems (multi instruments).On GDM there already exist two older album : The first one about RPG in Dark Fantasy/Viking kind named "Viking's Revenge Game Music Pack" reacheable here : https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/vikings-revenge-assets-game-music-packThe second one was about retro games like old shooter, shoot'em up, old adventure game or science-fiction in the retro future possibility named "Retro Adventure Soundtrack" reacheable here : https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/retro-adventures-soundtrackTheses two composed by Rafdows, Bara Amann and Koob.This time it's a first of four next albums only composed by me Rafdows that will come each week (so yes, a next one come this next week), here it's so Aliens VS Space Soldiers Game Music Pack,an OST in the spirit of Science-Fiction games, exploration, action, shooter,...Inspirated essentially by Aliens & Exploration of Mysterious Unknown planet where you are unfortunately not alone... And don't forget : Make your mission, soldier!! A real Metroidvania spirit has is origins and beyond!Made for certain tracks in different mood, all track are made of situations-loops for interractivity.Technicaly, it's seven original track but 12 complete tracks by variations, in 100 files in differents parts (intros, loops, bridges, ends...) to offer as saida good possibility of interactivity, in WAV, 24 bits, 44,1 kHz stereo, size : 885 Mo.We hope you'll really enjoy theses musics!Off course, if you want a real custom work, we are availlable that for also!Feel free to ask us questions, we'll answear to it as it best we are we are able to!Thanks to have purchased this pack, we hope you'll have great using about it!Nice regards,Rafdows, Bara Amann and Koob.Additional Notes: contact us for custom tracks at: cmafvg@gmail.comBy Rafdows from CMFAFVG100 filesHQ: Wav, 24 bits, 44,1 kHz885 MoSeamless LoopsStereoAdditional Notes: contact us for custom tracks at: cmafvg@gmail.com