Development of Music Software for XRXRで使える音楽配信ソフトを配布する。Web上に用意された音源データとUnity上のAudioオブジェクトのAudioSourceを連携させ、空間内の音源管理を容易にするソフトウェアです。これにより、Web上からXR空間内の音楽体験をリアルタイムにコントロールできる。Distribute music distribution software that can be used on the XR.This software links sound source data prepared on the web to the AudioSource of an Audio object in Unity, making it easier to manage sound sources in the space.This allows for real-time control of the musical experience within the XR space from the web.Create a folder in Drive with your Google account.Upload the music you want to play in your world in a folder.Create Google SpreadSheet.Create "Apps Script" from the created SpreadSheet.Paste the code.Run and save the script.Get the shared URL of Spread Sheet in csv format.In Unity, paste the shared link of the Spread Sheet you just obtained into the Spreadsheet Url of the "MusicPlayer" Script.Completed! Update the folder and run the script and Unity Script will automatically retrieve the song.