Collection of free low poly stylized bread-units with some inedible objects ready for fancy serving.Collection of 17 free low poly stylized prefabs ready to use. This pack was created to look good with different types of shading including flat shading to fit your style of choice.All models have the same material, a logical name and the real-world scale.I use the same 256x256p pallete-textures throughout all my packs marked with Yodah_the_Cat_material to make them easy to combine with each other. You can easily change the material attributes of assets via UV map.For using of all features of this material I recommend Autodesk Interactive Shader option (for all pipelines).Hope You will find this pack useful!Number of meshes/prefabs 17Number of textures 3 (Colour, Roughness, Metallic) Roughness & Metallic can be discarded from the material if not needed.Texture dimensions 256х256pMaterials use Autodesk Interactive Shader to All meshes polygon count 5770 tris/ 3450 facesMinimum polygon count 76 tris/43 faces (Knife)Maximum polygon count 1080 tris/ф1060 faces (BunSesame)Models (Faces/Tris):Baguette 403/746Basket 484/992BrownBread 156/316BrownBreadHalf 109/213BrownBreadSlice 77/138Bun 128/180BunSesame 1060/1080CuttingBoard 146/312Knife 43/76Loaf 153/286LoafHalf 93/190LoafSlice 68/154Table 96/214TableCovered 106/234WhiteBread 156/316WhiteBreadHalf 109/213WhiteBreadSlice 77/138