Simple yet elegantly complex, introducing the Toby Foliage Engine Light, the innovative single-pivot vegetation system that attempts to simulate multiple pivots per mesh, similar to Pivot Painter.Tested in Unity 2021.3.11f1+, 2022.3.1f1+, 2023.1.0f1+, 2023.2.14f1+, Unity 6 (6000.0.5f1), Unity 6 LTS ( 6000.0.23f1).(SRP 12+, 14+, 15+, 16+ and 17+) are supported.Optimized to perfection, Toby Foliage Engine - Light (TTFEL) shaders provide a comprehensive solution for achieving realistic wind and plant shading. Its seamless integration and user-friendly interface make applying it to any mesh easy. There is no need to worry about conversion or any cumbersome steps as the shaders streamline this process.TTFE is an automatic feature that works in conjunction with PBR shading. The wind physics is affected by internal mesh-based vertex position volumes. You can control the size of your volume to mask out wind in your material settings. Similarly, you can modify the behavior of your wind through the material settings.These shaders are designed to provide optimal performance and quality for game foliage. They are created using the Amplify Shader Editor to be simple and efficient.* Purchase the vegetation assets pack separately: Vegetation Pack - Toby Foliage Engine Assets⚑ LimitationsPlease note that the light version includes only the essential features and only one basic wind type is available. Amplify shader functions are not available, you can only open the shaders in code. To benefit from all features make sure you download the full version: The Toby Foliage Engine🞫 TTFE is designed to work with instancing, static batching is not supported.🞫 Only the latest LTS Unity versions are officially supported.○ Features"Gentle Breeze" wind type. The global features such as wind and seasons can be adjusted using the "(TTFE) Global Controller".Automatic wind system and adjustable wind mask volumes (mask can be defined in the material settings (can't be visualized via heat mask)).Branch bending system (basic).Trunk bending (basic).Realistic wind behavior.Fast and performant, good optimization.Real-time season control Including random color (basic).Self-shading (faux-mobile shading (vertex color not supported)).PBR shading.New and Innovative deferred translucency that gets automatically occluded in shadow by a feature called “Translucency Ao”. Works in Built-in, URP, and HDRP (only additional to the diffusion profile in HDRP).Translucency Fluffiness (makes fuzzy-looking grass).Two example scenes.Original assets.🞫 Unavailable features (only accessible in full version)"Strong Wind" type (more realistic wind).Trunk and branch bending system (Full).Real-time season control + snow (Full).Additional Terrain shader that supports snow control. (Experimental NEW).All TTFE shaders now support the snow feature.Self-shading (supports vertex color).Amplify Shader functions.Debug vertex colors.Visualize wind mask editing.Additional shaders.Uber Cliff shader.Additional shading and wind settings.○ FeedbackFor questions follow the Unity forum thread or contact me via email:florianalexandru05@gmail.comSupport Forum ThreadOnline Documentation○ Polycount and texture specifications*(Triangles counting only LOD0) This list only presents a small example of a few meshes.Vegetation:Various grasses: Under 2000 triangles (per clump)Various Bushes: Under 4000 to 700 trianglesShrubBush_B: 2748 trianglesShrubBush_C: 3215 trianglesShrubTree_C: 6048 trianglesShrubTree(NR)_D: 10703 trianglesTextures- Texture sizes: 4096 x 4096px (the majority of the texture atlases); 2048 x 2048px, 1024 x 1024px, 512 x 512px, 256 x 256px (tile textures, smaller texture atlases, particles, and splats)- Texture formats: "Tif" (if available), "Png" (all albedo, normal maps, height maps, and gloss/ao maps)Standard metalness shader workflow. Merged maps for the metalness/AO/Gloss.Metalness/ao/gloss" (MAG) are saved as transparent png textures.Other informationRigging: NoAnimation count: 0UV mapping: YesLOD information: 4 LODSTypes of materials and texture maps: PBR