Modular medieval castle objects that are able to create a simple castle town.Medieval castle parts to create a big castle town or just some lone towers. You can rearrange then as you like. Good to use from distance or from aerial view.It comes with:Bridge StartBridge MiddleBridge EndCastleTower ATower BHouse AHouse BSimple DoorDouble DoorColumnWallTEXTURES:9 Albedo textures 2048x2048 pngPOLY COUNT:7.220 triangles total.MODEL:Blender made.Main Castle - 2.998 TrisCastle top - 98 TrisTower A - 450 TrisTower B - 1.358 TrisWall - 360 TrisColumn - 68 TrisSimple Door - 28 TrisDouble Door - 36 TrisWindows (3 types) - 152 TrisHouse A - 444 TrisHouse B - 188 TrisBridge with start, middle and end. - 1044 TrisPREFABS:Bridge SmallBridge MediumBridge BigCastleTower ATower BHouse AHouse BSimple DoorDouble DoorColumnWallRIGGING:No.ANIMATED:No.UV MAPPING:Yes, non overlaping.LOD:No.