Simplify the process of creating an animated, colorful, localized, and properly scaling UI for your project, and set up options to store users' preferences with ease!The UI Assistant is a collection of tools that enables you to create flexible user interfaces that can be iterated upon quickly.CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE UI ASSISTANT WEBSITEUser-friendly editor windows grant easy access to animation, color, option, scaling, and text settings, used in combination with a set of components to achieve...Animated show/hide functions;Text reveals with a typewriter effect;Switchable color schemes through Color Profiles;Easy options setup with Option Entries;Transform and text scaling via Scale Profiles;Text Styles for various uses and languages;Localization via the Dictionary;A Prefab List for easy prefab instantiation;Fast and simple popup generation with the Popup Manager;Context-based button prompts via the Hint Manager.The UI Assistant comes with documentation complete with screenshots, as well as property and function tables. Editor windows and components display tooltips where necessary, and summaries were added to all public properties and methods.Components included:AnimationUI AnimatorText RevealerColorColored SelectablesGraphic ColorizerGraphic Colorizer GroupOptionsOption CyclerOption SyncerOptions BuilderOption ModifierScalingRect Transform ScalerScaling Horizontal Layout GroupScaling Vertical Layout GroupStretching Grid Layout GroupScaling Layout ElementSliced Image ScalerTextOption LocalizerText StylerMisc.Popup ManagerHint ManagerEditor windows:Animation SettingsAnimation ProfilesText RevealerColor SettingsColor ProfilesColor CategoriesOption SettingsOption EntriesScale SettingsScale ProfilesText SettingsText StylesLanguagesDictionary (with import/export)Prefab List