PathNavigator3D is a path navigation system that solve paths for any 2-3D spaces. Includes ready made components for fast game integration.Notice. The demo scene shaders are using the built-in render pipeline. There is only few materials in that scene. If you have diffulties with rendereing then try changing the shaders. The actual PathNavigator system is not depended on any shaders.PathNavigator3D is geared towards creators that need a robust but still configurable path navigation capability in 3D space. These components rely only to Unity’s core components and do not require any extra libraries (other than delivered with PathNavigator3D). You have multiple options to optimize the quality or performance of the path solving. Path calculation is spread over multiple frames to prevent over usage of the resources.Few highlights:Path LoS (Line of Sight) optimization.Bi-layered navigation grid for low and high LOD (Level of Detail).Hybrid navgrid path finding utilizing different LOD navgrids to find the path efficiently.Path calculation automatic global load balancing based on the game frame rate (CPU frame time) to prevent throttling.Centralized control API to manage all the path solver instances across scene.Path smoothing to get Bezier squared path points.Surface aligned navigation grid for near ground navigation.Closest point path solving when target is unreachableDynamic navigation obstacles to support moving obstacles and path/obstacle carvingConfiguration Wizard for easy and quick start.Compatibility: Unity versions starting from 2021 LTS are supported. API compatibility level .NET Standard 2.1. Package is not depended on any other extra unity packages. Actual navigation system in not depended on any render pipeline but the demo scene is using built-in render pipeline.Support & manual: https://www.codescove.com/pathnavigator.htmlNotice: Contact support to report any issues or to ask for guidance. Check also the manual that is included in the asset. You can also find link to it in the web pages.Support & manual: https://www.codescove.com/pathnavigator.htmlI integrated AI to streamline and enhance various aspects of the project. AI tools were instrumental in generating some of the images and in assisting with the documentation of the code. AI was used in the development of specific methods, such as the implementation of Bezier squared path smoothing, along with some other supporting methods. AI also served as a quick reference for revisiting fundamental concepts that I had previously relied on traditional sources like Google or Unity Answers to recall. While AI did not introduce entirely novel ideas, it significantly enhanced the efficiency of the development cycle. This positive experience has strengthened my intent to incorporate AI technologies in future projects also.