Delve into the world of Phat Phrog Studio with our specially selected free track, a testament to our passion for crafting unique and memorable soundscapes.Delve into the world of Phat Phrog Studio with our specially selected free track, a testament to our passion for crafting unique and memorable soundscapes. This piece is yours to use, royalty-free, in any project you desire, bringing a touch of our musical vision to your creative endeavors.If this track strikes a chord and you find yourself seeking more of our sonic creations, we warmly invite you to explore the complete collection. Our full album, rich with exclusive tracks that elevate any listening or project experience, awaits you at https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/music/electronic/epic-boss-battles-music-collection-235798.Your support through purchasing the full album not only enriches your playlist but also fuels our creative journey, enabling us to share even more music with you in the future.Sample rate: 44100Bit depth: 16Loopable: NoAdditional: Stereo