Manul Toolbar lets you add your own buttons, toggles, popups and labels on the upper Unity toolbar. It’s fast and easy to use!Works with Unity 2020.2.0f1 or aboveUnity Discussions TopicManul Toolbar is a tool that lets you add your own buttons, toggles, and labels to the upper Unity toolbar. You can link various actions to the created buttons as well as cutomize their apperance. More info below!Button ActionsYou can use your buttons to:Open Assets – load a scene, open a prefab in the prefab editing window or open an image in your default image editing software. You can of course open any kind of asset!Select Asset – quickly select an asset in the Project window.Show Asset In Explorer – view the asset folder in the explorer.Open Properties Window – open a window with properties of the asset. Much quicker than creating a new Inspector window and locking it with the padlock icon!Open Folder - select a folder in the Project window and show its content.Execute Menu Item - any menu item (like Edit / Project Settings or GameObject / Create Empty) can be invoked with a button.Find GameObjet on Scene - find and select a gameObject in the current sceneCall Static Method – call any static method from any class.Call Method From Component – find a GameObject by name (which you entered earlier) on the current opened scene, then find a component attached to it with a given type, and call method from this component.Call Method From Type – find an Object with the given type on the current opened scene and call method from it.You can also add toggles or popups which use EditorPrefs (bool type or int type).Mouse Buttons & Keyboard KeysYou can attach different actions for left-click, right-click, and middle-click, all of them performed with the same toolbar button.For example, you can open a prefab in the prefab editing window with a left-click on a toolbar button and select this prefab in the Project window with a right-click on a toolbar button.But that’s not all! You can also combine that with holding Ctrl, Shift, or Alt key and have up to 12 different actions performed with the same toolbar button!Tooltip, Styles & ColorsYou can add a tooltip to each button for your users to better explain what your button does.You can also tint colors and use one of the built-in Unity styles to change the presentation of your button. For those who want to create your own GUISkin and use your custom styles – that option is available too!We hope this asset will significantly speed up your work!Supported OS:Tested only on Windows but it should work on any OS.Link to documentationhttps://liquid-glass-games.com/manul-toolbar