Generate Navmesh for your AI pathfinding at runtime using the Runtime Navmesh Baker. Very simple integration, fast generation.Sample content has been created with built-in render pipeline. You can use the respective material converters to migrate to any render pipeline. The Runtime Spawner package has no dependency on any render pipeline functionality, and works perfect with all of them.Generate Navmesh for your AI pathfinding at runtime using the Runtime Navmesh Baker. Very simple integration, fast generation.Uses the runtime baking functionality built into the AI Navigation package and wraps it into an easily integrated runtime component for use in your own games.Tested with Unity 2022.3.Note: Samples depend on TextMeshPro, Cinemachine and the old Input Manager, but the package itself does not.Unity's AI Navigation package provide easy to use Navmesh tools, however they require you to bake you rnavmesh at Edit time, before you bundle or test your game.Working on large worlds / maps? Then the Runtime Navmesh Baker is here to save you!Don't get stuck precalculation of the navmesh in edit mode, which simply doesn't work for large worlds.Part of the Pixel Wizards 'Open World' toolset in development.Online DocumentationThe most up to date version of this documentation is online here:User Manual: https://megacrush.gitbook.io/runtime-navmesh-bakerAPI Documentation: https://www.megacrush.app/api/runtime-navmesh-baker/Feedback / Get in touchFor support, please email support@megacrush.app or visit our website at https://www.megacrush.app/supportYou can also get in touch:on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kvsMqeFS7Yor Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/megacrushincThe Runtime Navmesh Baker unlocks the ability to dynamically generate navmeshes for your game at runtime! No pre-calculated navmeshes, almost zero setup!Simply add a NavMesh Baker component to a gamobject, tell it where your player is, and go!Configure:Update Rate: How often the navmesh is recalculatedMove Threshold for regeneration - if the player hasn't moved far enough, it doesn't regenerateNavmesh Size - generate a 50m sq navmesh, 100m sq, whatever you want! (note smaller navmeshes will generate faster)optionally pre-bake a region around the player for when the game starts for any agents that are spawned close to the player at game startup.