A tileset to build a traditional Chinese garden (+ more)Everything you need to make a Chinese/eastern garden for your next game.Contains the following:Ground tiles (60)GrassWaterDirt pathStone floorLimestone floorBridgesLilypads...Chinese plaster garden wallsRegular wallsArchwayWindowsGarden Stones (13)various sizes (1x1 - 3x3 tiles)Furnishings (6)Weapon rackTable (wood)Table (stone)NoticeboardChestBookcaseStatues (4)DragonMonkeyTigerQilinLights (6)Wall torchBrazier (large, small)Lantern (small, round, square)Trees (2)Includes the .aseprite source files[Used source file(s)] sizes: 16x16 px per tileFile count: 19Animated: YesAnimation type list: spritesheet (5 frames)Additional: pixel-basedFile type: .aseprite, .png