An environment in the style of the ancient civilizations of South America. You can create various architectural com positions, settlements, jungles and beautiful natural landscapes from the asset.The assset can be used for your games, animations and other creative projects. Includes customizable materials.Models (fbx) – 117Total prefabs – 136-Buildings – 136-Items – 40-Landscapes – 23-Vegetation – 30Prefab composition – 18Groups from other prefabs to conveniently fill your scene.LODs – (vegetation models have LODs)Materials – 7-smoke-base material-cloud (1 material variant)-fire-skyboxes – 6-star-water (4 material variant)-grass wind-tree wind (1 material variant)Materials: cloud, fire, star, water, grass wind, tree wind – createdin shader graph and have customizable parameters, changing whichyou will get the desired result. In the video demonstration of the objects,you can see how it works.Textures – 5(resolution 1024x1024 – 2048-2048)Particles – 1-smokeScenes – 7-demo (all objects)-island jungle town (day/night)-lake forest town (day/night)-palm town (day/night)Script – 1-lightflicker.cs (script creates a flicker of light;drag script to the light source and adjust its parameters)Contact and support:discord.gg/ZGvnygJvacidpixx@gmail.com