3D Character of Dark Elf Assasin. Has humanoid rig. Has face (ARKit\Apple) and special blendshapes. Modular character. Has color options.Dark Elf AssasinPlease watch video previewProject 2021.3.21f1Polycount | NO LOD SYSTEMSK_DARKELFASSASINVERTS 36466EDGES 69165FACES 32882SK_DEA_ALLPARTSTOGETHERVERTS 49488EDGES 95080FACES 45838SK_DEA_BODYNOARMORVERTS 24586EDGES 46916FACES 22450SM_WEAPONVERTS 244EDGES 480FACES 240SM_WEAPON is a static meshMODULARITYCharacter is modular. Includes separated parts of body and full body without cuts, head, hair and clothes parts. You can remove or add any part you want. Turn off the pieces that are hidden under the clothes for avoiding body intersection.RIGRigged with Humanoid skeleton with additional bones. Main bones hierarchy has remained untouched. Does not have controls. Easy animations retarget. Full list of additional bones you can find below.BLENDSHAPESHas face blendshaped (ARKit\Apple).Ear morphs (modifying shape into elf ear).Hair morphs (change hair length).TEXTURESPBR Metallic/Roughness TexturesBaseColor, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, AmbientOcclusion, Opacity, MatID.Texture Resolutions4K Textures: 4K Body, 4K Head, 4K Hair, 4K Armor1, 4K Armor2 1K Eyes, 1K Eyelashes.Render pipelines: Built-in, URP, HDRPHow to switch between render pipelines is noted in "How to switch to URP or HDRP.txt" file in folder Shaders\NOTESNo LODNo BlueprintsNo AnimationsNo PhysicsADDITIONAL BONES LIST:eye_leye_rhairback_01hairback_02hairback_03hairbangs_01_lhairbangs_02_lhairbangs_03_lhairside_01_lhairside_02_lhairside_03_lhairbangs_01_rhairbangs_02_rhairbangs_03_rhairside_01_rhairside_02_rhairside_03_rbreast_rbreast_lhipplate_01_lhipplate_02_lhipplate_03_lhipplate_01_rhipplate_02_rhipplate_03_rTechnical detailsProject 2021.3.21f1Number of textures:118Number of Materials:52Texture dimensions:Texture Resolutions4K Textures: 4K Body, 4K Head, 4K Hair, 4K Armor1, 4K Armor2 1K Eyes, 1K Eyelashes.Polygon count of Dark Elf AssasinPolycount | NO LOD SYSTEMSK_DARKELFASSASINVERTS 36466EDGES 69165FACES 32882SK_DEA_ALLPARTSTOGETHERVERTS 49488EDGES 95080FACES 45838SK_DEA_BODYNOARMORVERTS 24586EDGES 46916FACES 22450SM_WEAPONVERTS 244EDGES 480FACES 240SM_WEAPON is a static meshNumber of meshes/prefabs: 10Rigging: YesAnimations: No/0UV mapping: YesLOD information: NO LODTypes of materials and texture maps: PBRRender pipelines: Built-in, URP, HDRPADDITIONAL BONES LIST:eye_leye_rhairback_01hairback_02hairback_03hairbangs_01_lhairbangs_02_lhairbangs_03_lhairside_01_lhairside_02_lhairside_03_lhairbangs_01_rhairbangs_02_rhairbangs_03_rhairside_01_rhairside_02_rhairside_03_rbreast_rbreast_lhipplate_01_lhipplate_02_lhipplate_03_lhipplate_01_rhipplate_02_rhipplate_03_r