Quickly kickstart your third-person game!
This package features intuitive, easy-to-understand control scripts, empowering you to seamlessly advance your game development journey.The EasyStart Third Person Controller 🎮 is the perfect solution for developers who want to create third-person games in Unity quickly and effortlessly.This package offers a simplified approach to implementing character and camera controls in third-person games in Unity. The codes are structured in a simple and intuitive way, allowing you to continue developing your game with ease, without the need to delve deeply into the provided codes, as they are basic and easy to modularize. Whatever your level of experience, the EasyStart Third Person Controller is an accessible and user-friendly option to streamline your project, so you don't waste time creating your character's controls.Included Features🛠️ Character Prefab with Basic Movement ControlsMovement with arrow keys or WASD (left analog stick for joysticks)Jumping with the space bar (button Y)Crouching with the Ctrl key (button B)Running with the Shift key (button X)🎥 Third Person Camera ControlFree mouse movement (right stick for joysticks)Option for camera movement only when the right mouse button is pressed (not available for joysticks)📝 Only Two Scripts: Basic and SimpleThis package creates all third-person controls using only two scripts: one for the camera (CameraController.cs) and the other for the player (ThirdPersonController.cs). Both scripts are straightforward and use an easy-to-understand language. You can use them to continue your game's script as you wish or simply learn from them how to create your own movement.🔎 Commented ScriptsAdditionally, there are alternative scripts for the camera and movements. In the Commented folder within Scripts, you'll find CommentedCameraController.csand CommentedThirdPersonController.cs. These scripts have slightly extensive comments, explaining in detail how each line of code works. Great for beginners! I wrote them in a didactic way to teach exactly how each command works. It's worth reading.How to UseThe prefab and template used in this project are intended only as tests so that you can experiment with the functionality of the scripts in this package. They should not be used in your project, but only the scripts.To use EasyStart Third Person Controller in your personal project, follow these steps:🦸 CharacterCreate an object in your game that will be your player. It is recommended that you do this directly with the character model that will be played. Name it whatever you wantAdd the Player tag to itAdd the Character Controller component and adjust the colliderAdd the ThirdPersonController.cs scriptReady! Your character is now ready to play.However, you still need to add animations so that your character has interactions between movements. For this, you can download animations for free from Mixamo. For animations, do the following:Add the Animator component to your playerCreate an Animator Controller file (right click on your project window > Create > Animator Controller) and attach it to your character's Animator componentYou will need animations for: walking, running, jumping, crouching and crouch walking. These animations can be downloaded for free from Mixamo and imported into your project. After that, open the Animator Controller you created and copy the same animation scheme used in this package, which is located in EasyStart Third Person Controller/Prefabs/Animations/ PlayerAnimator.controllerAfter that, everything should be working according to the animations you chose.Note: the animations in this project do not follow the Rigs created by Mixamo, so they may not work in your game if you copy them to your project.📹 CameraFor the camera, it's even easier! Just add the CameraController.prefab to your project, located in the Prefabs folder. That's it! Just remember to delete the original MainCamera from your scene and keep only the camera imported from this package.See the technical specifications for more details.Open Source on GitHubThis package is also available as open source on GitHub for you to explore and contribute, click here.🌟 Rate this package on the Unity Asset Store!Enjoy the EasyStart Third Person Controller, it's free and always will be!🚀This package contains the following folder structure and files:Prefabs – Inside prefabs, you will find two prefabs. Both are prefabs that the user can import into their game with ready-made components, prepared animations, and scripts already integrated, both for the character and the camera. In addition to the prefabs, we have the Source folder which contains the following items:Prefabs > Source > Animations – Contains the animations used by the game prefab. These are the animations for running, walking, crouching, and jumping, all imported from Mixamo. Also included here is the character's Animator Controller.Prefabs > Source > Models – Contains only the Y Bot model used in the prefab, downloaded from Mixamo.Scripts – Contains the scripts used in the game's character and camera. Read the previous project description section to understand how to use the scripts.Scripts > Commented – Contains the same scripts as the previous folder, however, in a very detailed manner with comments. Additionally, these scripts are written in a simpler and less minified way. Refer to these files to better understand the programming of this asset.Demo.scene – Demo scene of the package. Accessing this file gives you a simple scenario structure to test jumps, sprints, crouches, and other game situations. Moreover, it's a really cool scenario; you can use the scenario in your games to perform gameplay tests.Tutorial.pdf – The PDF document of this description and technical data contained within the project itself. It also contains the Tutorial_portuguese.pdffile with all the content written in the Portuguese language.All content in this package is completely free. The codes were written, structured, and commented by me, based on my programming and game development experience, done in a simple and basic way so that everyone can understand and learn to develop their own character controls for third-person gameplay. Additionally, Mixamo models and animations are used, which are also public and free. The Jump animation was created by me and is also public and free.All content in this package is also available on GitHub! Visit the repository here.