Tailor made animations!
Drop into the warzone with these top quality hand keyed animations.
Featuring an essential set of Battle Royale focused animations.
| Freefalling
- Dropship idle pose
- Jump out of Dropship
- Freefall locomotion (4 way)
| Parachute
- Parachute deployement and release
- Parachute locomotion (4 way)
Also includes a dummy parachute model with animations to match!
| Downed!
- Downed from standing or crouched
- Downed locomotion (4 way)
- Revive animation starting from standing or crouched
- Getting back up to standing or crouched
Humanoid compatible!
All animations are made so that it can be retargeted to any other character using the Unity Humanoid rig.
This asset only contains animation data.
Animation data can be used on any Humanoid character in any project.
These animations are tailor made for the Synty
"POLYGON Battle Royale - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty" and work best and as intended with the characters mentioned above.
Any characters or other assets shown are sold separately by respective sellers.