Heavy Action Music is a high-quality pack of 80 audio files and loops (which all seamlessly loop), crafted for royalty-free use in video games.HEAVY ACTION MUSIC!A collection of unique and professional tracks for your action, sci fi, horror and first person shooter needs! And that's not all! Each track will provide you with many different loops, mixes and other useful files!Awesome music for your projects!This outstanding collection of tracks is what's missing from your next project! Containing 80 files all at an affordable price!Sounds Like1. Wolfenstein2. Doom3. Cyberpunk4. Metal: HellsingerThe Collection Includes:Full MixesFull LoopsUnderscore MixesUnderscore LoopAlternate LoopPulsing LoopGame Over/Defeat IdentsWinner IdentsIncludes a large selection of usable loops, mixes and files!Useful Again & AgainUse the music over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the music in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.High End Quality Music at a Low PriceHammer Fist Audio has many large placements in film trailers and video games. This album has been created to fit perfectly with games and has been created at a top end professional level.If you're needing alterations to a track or wanting my skills for a project you're working on, then please reach out!hammerfistaudio@gmail.comThis music pack is included in the Action Music Bundle Vol. 1!Audio file types: .wavSample rate: 48 kHzBit depth: 24Loopable: Loops are available which loop seamlesslyAdditional: Stereo