Easy to use and easy to customise Speech Bubble Dialogue View for Yarn Spinner!This Yarn Spinner for Unity Add-on provides two easy-to-use and easy-to-customise prefabs for creating speech bubbles for your Yarn Spinner dialogue.⚠️ This add-on requires Yarn Spinner for Unity and Unity 2021.3 or newer.Speech Bubbles for Yarn Spinner provides a Casual Bubble and a Formal Bubble prefab. Both are customisable, powerful, and extremely flexible:customise fonts, colours, and styles of bubblesoptional character nameplateflexible anchor point for bubble stemlock bubbles to camera, or not, your choice!works for 2D or 3D gamesThis package includes two demo projects: 2D Sidescroller, and 3D Top-down.Documentation is provided at the official Yarn Spinner Documentation: https://docs.yarnspinner.dev/add-ons/about-add-onsFor support, please email us at hello@yarnspinner.dev or join the Official Yarn Spinner Discord.