This is a MP addon for (STP) Survival Template PRO using Mirror Networking.Dependencies:Mirror.Surival Template PRO Asset.Survival Template Pro MP is an advanced co-op toolkit designed for creating multiplayer survival games. It builds upon Survival Template Pro's modular and scalable features while seamlessly integrating multiplayer functionality. With smooth networking, player interactions, cooperative gameplay, it empowers developers to craft engaging multiplayer survival experiences.Docs || Discord || Trello || Demo BuildFor more information please check the "Technical details" section.Warning⚠️1) You need the base STP 1.3 asset in order to use this.2) This is only suitable for co-op games as most things are client auth based.3) Some features are missing in this 1.3 STP MP, as they require the 1.4 version. I recommend downloading the build and checking which features are included before making a purchase. Please refer to Trello for more information about these features and upcoming updates.Info Regarding Updates :The asset will always be updated to support latest STP asset till 2025. Note that the updates will be both paid and free.Limitations :Player Count: 4-6 players in demo forest scene with 120 fps on 3080ti (This was tested; however, I don't know the maximum limit yet as it depends on the environment and the characters model used).Untested on Mobile Devices : STP asset itself is a high quality template made for PC games. So please do not expect this MP addon to work on Mobiles.Third person character : displayed for clients is a separate character with separate animations. FPS animations are separate and are only displayed to the local player. If you need to add a new weapon. You will need animations for both FPS and TPS player.What things are Networked?Character Movement (Client auth)Inventory (Is not synced not required) - Only pickups and drops are synced.Interactions (Synced)Day/Night (Synced)Berries Bushes (Synced)Health (Synced)Thirst, Hunger, Energy (not synced not required as health is synced)Free Buildables (Synced only after built)Socket Buildables (Not Synced, will be synced in next update)Third Person Animations.Weapon Damage (Synced)Check trello for more info.Host MethodsLocal HostDependenciesSurvival Template PROMirror