Ide, Jump, Run and Sit Animations for a cute Space Pug, with Helper Robot and Shield spritesIn this pack you can find:- one 96x144 sprite of a flying bot- one 256x256 sprite of a shield- 23 250x250 sprites for the Pug jumping animations- 15 250x250 sprites for the Pug running animations- 70 250x250 sprites for the Pug sitting/idle animationsAnd 2d animations for:Fall, HurtJumping, HurtRunning, Idle, Jump, RunAnd an Animation Controller:- one for the player- one custom controller for cutscenesIn this pack you can find:- one 96x144 sprite of a flying bot- one 256x256 sprite of a shield- 23 250x250 sprites for the Pug jumping animations- 15 250x250 sprites for the Pug running animations- 70 250x250 sprites for the Pug sitting/idle animationsAnd 2d animations for:Fall, HurtJumping, HurtRunning, Idle, Jump, RunAnd an Animation Controller:- one for the player- one custom controller for cutscenes